Wisdom Teeth Extraction

Secrets of Wisdom Teeth Removal Dental Clinic Will Never Disclose.

Wisdom teeth refer to molars located in the rear of your mouth. They begin to appear in your teens. They are usually unbalanced and do not have enough space to develop correctly; therefore, they damage the teeth around them and can cause inflammation and pain. It is essential to get teeth removed. That is why most patients require having their wisdom teeth extracted.
Our wisdom tooth extraction Toronto dental clinic offers expert wisdom teeth removal procedures in the middle of Toronto for women and men with the lowest cost.
Our team of highly skilled dentists will conduct X-rays and various oral examinations before undergoing all our wisdom tooth removal procedures. Moreover, Wisdom teeth may not appear out of your gums in a proper alignment with the other molars. That is extremely rare since wisdom teeth are typically affected, which means they cannot properly emerge from the gum line due to insufficient space misalignment due to their proximity with adjacent teeth.

Affordable Wisdom Teeth Removal Services:

We offer advanced wisdom tooth removal procedures performed with cutting-edge technology to ensure the highest comfort level and help you end tooth-related swellings and infections.

Benefits of Removing Wisdom Teeth

Help to Prevent Infections

Prevents the Formation of Cysts

Eliminates the Risk of Crowding

Prevents Damage to Adjacent Teeth

For immediate care, you can place a piece of sugar-free gum over the damaged filling to provide a temporary cover. After that, you should seek professional dental help. Call us at (416) 513-1555 to make an appointment with one of our dentists as soon as possible because we provide quick Emergency Dental Services in Toronto.

5. Crown Losing Grip

6. Dental Abcsess

Insufficient space for cleaning around the wisdom tooth may cause problems for the second molar located directly to its left,
Even if the patient takes proper treatment for a wisdom tooth, it often will directly press against the tooth next to it and cause damage that can require further dental work to prevent.

Schedule for Your Wisdom Teeth Removal

When you schedule for your wisdom teeth removal, you’ll receive medication to reduce postoperative swelling and pain in the event of swelling.

Step by Step Process of Wisdom Teeth Removal

Suppose you decide to have the wisdom tooth procedure at our dental center in Toronto. In that case, we will ensure that you are treated with the proper anesthesia to ensure a pleasant and pain-free experience.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • The cost of wisdom teeth removal will depend mainly on the location of the wisdom teeth within the jawbone and gum tissue.
  • Wisdom teeth surgery is a straightforward extraction or an impacted extraction.
  • Some patients are fortunate enough that the wisdom teeth are adequately mature and are properly related to the other teeth.
  • In this instance, a simple extraction is as simple as using forceps and a pair of forks to extract your wisdom teeth.
If the wisdom teeth aren’t fully grown out and are instead growing in a lateral direction and partially protruding in the gum.

You can observe from the photo above that wisdom teeth can be found in various angles and positions. Your dentist will conduct an oral exam to determine the degree of difficulty to extract.
One of the most significant dental changes between the ages of 17 and 20 is the growth of third molars. They are referred to as wisdom teeth as they are only visible after mature age.
When wisdom teeth first begin to appear, they could cause damage to the :

  • Gums and other teeth cause a myriad of dental issues, including
  • Swelling,
  • Pain,
  • Infections,
  • Damage to the molars around them, and so on.
That is why dentists generally recommend the removal of wisdom teeth during the beginning of adulthood.

More about our Dentistry Services

Opening Hours

Monday – 10:00 AM – 07:00 PM
Tuesday – 8:00 AM – 05:00 PM
Wednesday – 10:00 AM – 07:00 PM
Thursday – 08:00 AM – 05:00 PM
Friday – 8:00 AM – 02:00 PM
Saturday – 9:00 AM – 02:00 PM
Sunday Closed
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