Emergency Dental

The Best Emergency Dental Clinics in Toronto
It is common to encounter a dental emergency in your city. To help you or someone else out of their misery, we bring you an optimal guide that will enlighten you and guide you to the best emergency dental clinic that Toronto offers.
Emergency dental simply means dental emergencies that need instant care or treatment in case a person has severe oral pain and bleeding due to an accident or tooth loss. Glasshouse dental provides dental emergency treatment in critical conditions and helps our patients escape such accidental situations.
We thoroughly know the difference between usual dental issues and emergency dental issues, so Glasshouse Dental is the best emergency dental clinic that you can find in Toronto.
6 Dental Emergencies That Need Instant Treatment
1. Damaged/ Penetrated Tooth
- If you feel a crack in your tooth or a sharp tongue edge, try to examine why because it might be a beginning of a severe dental issue.
- Ensure to clean the infected area to avoid further damage caused by food debris or plaque.
2. Pain, Swelling or Toothache
- If you’re experiencing swelling or pain, apply a cold compress against the affected side of your face and consult an Emergency Dentist in Toronto.
- Call us whenever you can since your discomfort may signify something much more severe.
3. Knocked-Out Tooth
- A knocked-out tooth means an injured tooth due to any sports activity or a sudden accident.
- If your tooth gets injured, wash it off and place it back into the socket.
- If it cannot stay inside the socket, place it in a small container filled with contact lens solution or milk, but don’t touch the root region of the tooth.
- Contact our Emergency Dental office in Toronto immediately to schedule an appointment as fast as possible.
- The tooth must be replaced within an hour after the accident to ensure the highest chance of it taking the tooth root.
4. Loss of Tooth Fillings
- Due to constant clenching or grinding in the root canal containing filling, the dental fillings can get damaged.
- If leaking occurs in the filling margins, it becomes a precarious situation and needs to be treated instantly.
For immediate care, you can place a piece of sugar-free gum over the damaged filling to provide a temporary cover. After that, you should seek professional dental help. Call us at (416) 513-1555 to make an appointment with one of our dentists as soon as possible because we provide quick Emergency Dental Services in Toronto.
5. Crown Losing Grip
- If your dental crown falls off, put it in a small bag. It can get reattached if you contact our Emergency Dentist in Toronto immediately.
- The longer you delay fixing a damaged crown, the more difficult it becomes to fix it. Moreover, due to untreated crowns for prolonged periods, there are increased chances of further damage to your tooth.
- Our team will review all the alternatives with you if the crown is not replaced.
6. Dental Abcsess
- An abscess is an infection in the tooth root or in spaces between the gums.
- If an abscess remains untreated for longer periods, it can spread in the surrounding teeth and eventually into your whole mouth.
- If you have painful or swollen gums, avoid worse health problems and don’t waste further time by contacting us immediately to resolve your dental issue.
Few Simple Tips to Prevent Dental Emergencies
- Use a mouthguard while participating in activities such as sports to prevent tooth loss or any other injuries.
- Avoid slicing things with your teeth; instead, use scissors.
- Avoid eating hard items or sugary or starchy food, as it can drastically damage the functionality of our teeth.
- Maintain good oral hygiene by regularly flossing and brushing your teeth to prevent severe dental health conditions.

Frequently Asked Questions
What Are Common Examples of Urgent Dental Emergencies?
Any dental pain that makes you unaware of the surroundings can be considered a dental emergency. Common dental emergencies include broken or chipped teeth, bleeding, infected gums, and extreme sensitivity to hot or cold food items.
What Are Some Non-urgent Dental Emergencies?
The non-urgent emergencies do not require immediate action. You can book an appointment with your dentist according to your schedule to treat such injuries.
Some common non-urgent injuries are minor chips or cracks in teeth and loss of dental bridges or crowns. However, such conditions should also be cured in the early stages so that the patients can avoid severe oral health issues in the future.
Some common non-urgent injuries are minor chips or cracks in teeth and loss of dental bridges or crowns. However, such conditions should also be cured in the early stages so that the patients can avoid severe oral health issues in the future.
How Long Can the Dental Abscess Remain in Your Teeth?
An untreated dental abscess can reside in your teeth for about 12 months but can cause severe dental complications so it must be treated early to minimize serious oral diseases.
How to Know That Your Tooth Infection Is Serious or Requires Emergency Treatment?
Your dental issue might need urgent treatment if you have severe swelling or intolerable pain in your gums. In such cases, patients should not waste time by staying at home and should immediately seek professional dental help.
Opening Hours
Monday – 10:00 AM – 07:00 PM
Tuesday – 8:00 AM – 05:00 PM
Wednesday – 10:00 AM – 07:00 PM
Thursday – 08:00 AM – 05:00 PM
Friday – 8:00 AM – 02:00 PM
Saturday – 9:00 AM – 02:00 PM
Sunday Closed